Contrary to what is common belief, too much porn effects our real love lives in a very big way. While it does give a certain sexual high temporarily, it can at best be described as setting the mood. However, when it comes to performance, it is quite another story. Problems With Too Much Porn
The most obvious problem with too much porn is the fact that it leads to too much self satisfaction or masturbation. This in turn gives rise to a depletion in your libido and a lack of majo- frequent masturbation gives a temporary fillip.
It leads to a definite lack of sexual desire with your partner because too much porn gives a desire to 'get on' with it without dwelling much on romance and foreplay which leaves the partner dissatisfied and with a feeling of a certain lack of connection that is so important for mutual satisfaction.
Too much porn also leads to longer refractory periods i.e. the interval between the erections. It also causes a rise in the latency period (the time taken to achieve ejaculation).
Too much porn is addictive. One often finds those used to too much porn getting restless if they do not get their regular fix
If you are indulging in too much porn, it is definitely time top sit back and reflect because besides all the problems outlined above, it would lead to a medical condition termed as "idiosyncratic masturbatory style".
What is Idiosyncratic Masturbatory Style? During masturbation the level of pressure as well as friction that a man applies is artificial and is very much higher than what it would be in the "real". This leads to him getting used to it and not getting it in real, leaves him dissatisfied as he does not get the satisfaction during a regular intercourse. Often men tend to reach a point of no return as far as their masturbation habits are concerned, winch definitely has an impact on the real life sexual encounters. One often notices that such men crave more for oral sex as well as masturbation even from their partners! Considering all these facts, you need to cut down upon too much porn in case you feel that it is interfering with your natural instincts and you have the desire to enjoy a full, more natural and more satisfying sex life with your partner. Consulting your partner would be a great idea to know if there is any major change in your style and performance arising from too much porn.